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When a building is being renovated, the project typically requires the use of temporary shoring solutions. Shoring is recognized as solutions that support a trench, structure, vessel, or building to minimize the danger of a collapse. Shoring posts may be manufactured from metal or timber. Additionally, they may be horizontal, angled, or vertical.

Starr Industries LLC is pleased to announce that we rent, sell, and manufacture a comprehensive range of shoring equipment. Made from ultra-light aluminum shoring, our shoring solutions offer exceptional levels of functionality, reliability and safety. Some of the popular shoring solutions that we offer include: 

• Standard Shoring Posts

• Customized Shoring Posts

You can enjoy complete peace of mind knowing that Starr Industries LLC offers a total formwork and shoring solution. Our experienced team can develop a bespoke plan based on your unique project requirements. We deliver the most ideal formwork solution and edge protection for every pour. That’s not all; our technicians have also installed shoring when our clients need to move unusually heavy loads through an existing building.

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