Barricades are physical barriers that come in the form of fences and/or signs. These safety products are typically installed in construction sites and are designed to protect key assets against damage, prevent unauthorized access, or limit the movement or a specific type of work. This includes limiting the movement of vehicles and other equipment in predetermined areas. This way, the user’s employees can perform a particular work without any disturbances.
Today, construction barricades can also be used to protect existing trees against accidental damage or abrasion. These types of damages commonly occur during construction activities. At Starr Industries LLC, we offer a comprehensive range of barricades, including:
• Type I and II Universal Barricades
• Type III Barricades
• Crowd Control Barricades
• Pedestrian Barricades
• Construction Barrier Systems
• Traffic Barriers
• Collapsible and Portable Barricades
If you want to learn more about our barricades, do not hesitate to contact us today!